The standard McKnight Headstock #1 shown with our "Knight - Head" logo of curly maple inlayed into book matched BRW
The standard McKnight Headstock #1 shown with the McKnight "script" inlay of white MOP, The peghead is bound with curly maple with red & white inner purflings
McKnight Roundtop #2 is a fresh look of a McKnight "Vintage" peghead combined with graceful arched top line. Peghead venner is E. Indian RW
McKnight Vintage #3 is reminiscent of the pre-war era guitars. Peghead veneer is Brazilian RW
McKnight #4 12 fret slothead shown with African Ebony veneer
McKnight Fingerstyle #5 headstock. Green abalone "Torch" inlayed into African Ebony.
McKnight 12 String peghead. Green Abalone inlays inlayed into African Ebony.
Slanted asymetric peghead shape to compliment the Dual Scale fingerboard.